

Home Canning

Home canning is the time-tested way to preserve all kinds of different foods. Preserve your food's nutrients, flavor and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria through a heating process that vacuum seals your food in jars. This includes fruits, jams, jellies, pickles, salsas, sauces, vegetables, meats, poultry, and even seafood. For a fraction of the cost of store-bought food, you can create tasty, high-quality food that lasts for months or even up to a year. Canning at home allows you to control how much salt and seasoning goes into each recipe, and you get the peace of mind that comes from knowing your family isn't eating any unwanted preservatives.

So whether the garden harvest has just come in, you picked up an extra bushel of vegetables at the farmer's market, or you'd like to give holiday jams and jellies as presents this winter, Roots & Harvest is here to help. Choose from a variety of pressure canners, canning kits, and all the canning accessories needed for all your canning projects.


Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm EST • 877.509.3457

4440 Muhlhauser Rd. Suite 300, West Chester, OH 45011-9767 USA
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